Olivia Billitto, Civil Engineering

Activities: Research with faculty, Alpha Phi sorority, co-ed intermural softball team

Something you’d be surprised to know about me: I recently got into crocheting, which is very relaxing.

First-year lessons learned: Time management

First-year favorite course: Civil Engineering Fundamentals—it’s exciting when you start to get more specialized classes pertaining to your major.

Connections: Dr. Stephanie Walkup (an associate teaching professor in civil and environmental engineering) is such a nice person! I expressed to her my interest in doing research and she went out of her way to contact Dr. Dave Dinehart (who works in the College’s Structural Engineering lab) on my behalf.

Why Villanova: It’s the perfect mix of all the schools you’ve looked at. We have great academic programs with great teachers who want you to succeed and who also recognize that school isn’t everything that you do. It’s the perfect balance of everything that I was looking for in a school.

Career goal: Structural engineering