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January 5, 2021

Dear Student,

This email contains important information regarding Villanova’s COVID-19 pre-arrival testing plan for the opening of the Spring 2021 semester. Please read carefully.

Villanova is requiring all students, faculty and staff who will be physically on campus this semester to be tested for COVID-19 before the semester begins. This pre-arrival testing for all students (other than Law students) will be accomplished in partnership with Quest Diagnostics and paid for by the University. Villanova will monitor registration and test completion, and you will not be able to begin the semester on campus unless you first have been tested.

Quest Testing Procedures

1. Go to the . On the landing page, navigate to the right side and enter the registration key: Villanova. Enter your Villanova email address and date of birth. Leave the “Relationship” field as “Employee.”

  • If you participated in the Quest program at the beginning of the fall semester, use your previous username (your email address) and password from the summer. If you forget your password, use the “password reset” option. Update your address or phone number, as needed, to receive the test kit at your current location.
  • If you are a student coming to campus who did not participate in the Quest testing in the summer, you will need to create an account using your email address as your username (your unique ID). You will be prompted to create an account, enter your phone number, and input the address to which the test kit will be shipped. Be sure to note your password, as you will need to access your account to receive your test result.

2. Once registered, you should receive the test kit from Quest in three to five business days.

3. The test will provide  and everything you need to collect your sample. The test will be an easy-to-accomplish nasal swab. If you have questions about registration or the test sample, call Quest at 1-855-332-2533 (Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CST, and Saturday 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m. CST).

4. Test samples cannot be shipped on the weekends and must be shipped the same day they are collected. Collect your sample and ship it on a weekday (Monday-Friday). We strongly recommend you ship your sample to Quest no later than Friday, January 15 to receive a test result before the semester begins. Ship your test sample at the nearest as soon as possible.

5. Test results will take three to five business days.

6. Quest will communicate test results directly to you and notify the Villanova Student Health Center of any positive test results.

Consent Form for Students Under 18 Years of Age

If you are a student under 18 years of age, you must complete and return prior to being tested for COVID-19 by Quest. The form must include a signature from your parent/legal guardian. All signatures must be in ink (typed/electronic/digital signatures are not permitted). Completed forms must be returned as soon as possible to the Student Health Center via email at If email is not possible, completed forms may also be faxed to the Student Health Center at 610-519-4047. Minor students who fail to submit the consent form to complete COVID-19 testing will not be permitted to return to campus.

COVID-19 Test Results from Quest

If your COVID-19 test result is negative, we will welcome you to campus as planned.

If your COVID-19 test result is positive, you will be contacted by Quest and by a Villanova contact tracer and will need to stay home until:

  • 10 days have passed since the test sample was taken;
  • you are symptom-free and have been fever-free for 24 hours without taking a fever-reducing medication; and
  • you have communicated with and been cleared by the Student Health Center.

Exceptions to Participating in Quest Pre-Arrival Testing

  • Students who will not be on campus at all this semester.
  • Students with a positive test result in the last 90 days. If you tested positive at Villanova on or after October 22 and/or you have already shared test results with the University, you do not need to take further action. If you tested positive away from campus on or after October 22 and have not notified Villanova, you will need to send documentation of the positive result along with your name and Banner ID to the Student Health Center at
  • Students coming to campus from abroad. If you are a student coming to campus this semester from abroad, you will not participate in Quest pre-arrival testing. You should email to arrange for COVID-19 testing upon your arrival to campus.

Important Reminders: Preventive Measures and Home Quarantine

It is crucial to remember that testing does not negate the need to be vigilant in wearing a mask, social distancing, and practicing good hygiene. Each student is also asked to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to arrival to campus and to wear a mask at all times when it is not possible to be at home. Whether on or off campus, we must each act as though everyone we encounter has COVID-19—that vigilance will help keep our community healthy.

The Caritas Commitment will continue through the pandemic. If you have additional questions, you may contact Thank you in advance for taking care of yourself and those around you.



Rev. John P. Stack, OSA
Vice President for Student Life

Division of Student Life
Office of the Vice President

Dougherty Hall, Room 202

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.