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An Engineer on the Rise

An Engineer on the Rise

Who: Andrew Blasetti ’04 CE, ’06 MSCE, an associate at structural engineering consulting firm Thornton Tomasetti.

Thornton Tomasetti: Blasetti began working with Thornton Tomasetti in 2006 and high rise structures have been his niche since his earliest days with the firm. He led the company’s team on the Comcast Innovation & Technology Center project, working alongside Villanova Engineering alumni Stephen Kane 11’ CE ’12 MSCE and Lou Ross ’11 CE. The Comcast Innovation & Technology Center is the tallest building in Philadelphia and was a career-making project for Blasetti.

The Philadelphia Inquirer published “” about Blasetti and the Comcast Center project.


  • Purpose and Values Award from Thornton Tomasetti: recognized in the “we are passionate about what we do” value category
  • John J. Gallen Award for excellence in the engineering profession from the TV Engineering Alumni Society
  • Named among “Top 20 Under 40” by

Villanova Experience: The highlight of Andrew’s time at Villanova was the three service learning trips he took to Honduras alongside Drs. David Dinehart and Shawn Gross. Andrew gives Drs. Dinehart and Gross credit for introducing him to structural engineering, and Dr. Dinehart called Andrew, “one of the best students I’ve had in 16 years.” As part of the trip and Andrew’s senior capstone, he designed a school for the Amigos de Jesús orphanage. Now, Andrew is on the Civil Engineering Advisory Board, helping determine the best ways to prepare Villanova students to become engineers.

Teaching: While Andrew is a clear fit for the structural engineering profession, he hinted in 2015, “I wouldn’t be surprised if teaching on a professional level were to find its way into my career at some point.” In spring 2018, he began teaching a new graduate course in the Civil Engineering department on Tall Building Design.