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Dr. Scott Jackson Brings DuPont Experience to Villanova

Dr. Scott Jackson

Name: Scott Jackson, PhD

Title: Visiting Assistant Professor

Previous Title/Employer: Senior Research Fellow, DuPont

Expertise: 30-plus years in chemical engineering, including 14 years in enhanced oil recovery technologies

Villanova Courses: Petroleum Engineering, Heat Transfer, Process Design

He says: “I tell students, ‘Don’t settle for simply getting the right answer. Make sure you understand the underlying principles and the big picture that brings you to the right answer.’”

Dr. Jackson’s teaching reflects his industry experience—projects and problems that he faced personally—which provides students with a window into the real world. He enjoys providing his perspectives on industry and career choices and happily offers related advice. For example, a discussion about OOIP— "original oil in place"—led to a conversation about people who will try to exert power by using acronyms. “I told them to stay on top of acronyms and don’t be afraid to ask what they mean when someone starts to throw one around.”

Students Say:

“Dr. Jackson’s knowledge across all sectors of chemical engineering is truly amazing! His door is always open and it seems like he always has the answers to your questions.” —Nate Bayuk ’19 ChE

 “Dr. Jackson engages, challenges and inspires his students. In his Petroleum Engineering elective, he brings abstract concepts to life with personal accounts of his time in the field.” —Luke Nowlan ’19 ChE

“I had a technical interview that I was super nervous about. Dr. Jackson sat down with me for a couple hours and talked about every possible thing that related to the job I wanted. His advice, work experience and passion for helping students are incredible.” —Kate Salva ’19 ChE