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Mark Orebiyi Embraces All Villanova has to Offer

Enthusiastic Leadership Makes Mark Orebiyi a Changemaker

Who: Mark Orebiyi ’17 CE, '19 MSWREE


  • Public relations for the African Caribbean Villanova group
  • Historian for the College’s chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Undergraduate research with faculty
  • STEM outreach (VESTED and NovaEdge)
  • Villanova Engineering Service Learning (Cambodia to teach STEM workshops)
  • Precollege initiative chair, executive board of Region 2 of the National Society of Black Engineers

Passion: Working with children, specifically, introducing the next generation to STEM. 

Thesis topic: Inspired by Assistant Professor Virginia Smith, PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Orebiyi is pursuing his master’s degree at Villanova in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. His thesis is on STEM outreach and international development in the field of water resources. 

Advice for other would-be change makers: “Persevere with your ideas. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” He also recommends “wandering” to find your passion, noting, “You’ll never work a day in your life if you love what you do.”