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Award Criteria

About the Major Awards

The J. Stanley Morehouse Memorial Award

Recognizes exemplary leadership
Instituted in 1972 in honor of J. Stanley Morehouse, Dean of the College of Engineering from 1938 to 1961. During his tenure, the School of Technology became the School of Engineering, was officially accredited and was later named the College of Engineering as Villanova gained university status.

The Morehouse Award is the College’s highest honor and recognizes outstanding leadership in the engineering profession. The award acknowledges alumni who have made demonstrable contributions to the planning, administration and management of companies and organizations.

The John J. Gallen Memorial Award

Recognizes technical excellence
Instituted in 1977 in honor of John J. Gallen, Dean of the College of Engineering from 1961 to 1975. Dean Gallen oversaw the expansion of the College to include the renovation of John Barry Hall to house engineering laboratories and the construction of White Hall to house the Department of Chemical Engineering.

The Gallen Award recognizes the technical excellence of our engineering alumni whose achievements yield advances in the engineering profession. Whether they work in industry, academia or the nonprofit sphere, the award celebrates the technical contributions of alumni within their respective fields of inquiry.

The Carl T. Humphrey Memorial Award

Recognizes exemplary graduate (MS & PhD) alumni
Instituted in 1990 in honor of Carl T. Humphrey, who served as the first Dean of the College of Engineering from 1920 to 1938. During his tenure, the College added many honor societies and professional clubs, and the Villanova Engineer replaced The Owl as the student publication.

The Humphrey Award recognizes the professional achievements of alumni who hold a graduate degree—master’s or PhD—from the College. The award acknowledges alumni who have demonstrated excellence in leadership and management in the profession and/or made significant technical contributions to the field.

The Gary A. Gabriele Memorial Award

Recognizes advocates for equity and inclusion
Instituted in 2018 in honor of Gary A. Gabriele, who served as the Drosdick Endowed Dean of the College of Engineering from 2006 to 2018. During his tenure, the College launched its PhD program, expanded its research profile and embarked upon the transformational Villanova Engineering expansion project.

Reflecting Dean Gabriele’s commitment to diversity in engineering, the Gabriele Award recognizes alumni who promote equity in the field. The recipient may have championed women or people of color, who are underrepresented in engineering; supported STEM outreach activities for diverse students; or encouraged, advanced and empowered these individuals in the workplace.

Professional Achievement Award

Recognizes the professional accomplishments of alumni from each academic department
The Alumni Award for Professional Achievement was instituted in 1984 by the College of Engineering. This award recognizes contributions to technology through substantial achievements in marketing, management or entrepreneurship, as well as achievements in strictly technical fields. Such accomplishments reflect favorably on ÃÛÌÒTV.

Meritorious Service Award

Recognizes the community service of alumni from each academic department
Established in 1984, the Meritorious Service Award recognizes one graduate from each of the College’s four academic departments. This award acknowledges alumni who volunteer and/or support societal causes like the environment, education, health and impoverishment. Recipients may have volunteered their time on behalf of the College, a nonprofit/religious organization or their employer to provide service to others. Consistent with our Augustinian Catholic values of Veritas, Unitas, Caritas, the recipient will have demonstrated service to, and care for, the broader community.

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Contact Keith Argue, Assistant Dean, External Relations, for information about this event.