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Students Honored at the Dean’s Awards Dinner

“We are here tonight to recognize our most outstanding seniors.” With these words, Dr. Gary A. Gabriele, the Drosdick Endowed Dean of Engineering, welcomed the distinguished honorees, their proud parents, and other invited guests to the College of Engineering’s annual Dean’s Awards Dinner, held April 16 at the Overbrook Country Club.

Dean Gabriele presented awards in two categories: academic achievement and exceptional service to the College. To be eligible for the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 by the end of the fall semester and must graduate within the current academic year.

Alexis Sarruda, whose daughter Jordan Sarruda ME was one of the 59 seniors honored for academic excellence, commented on the caliber of a Villanova education. “Jordan has had a fabulous experience. I told Fr. Peter that I would be his best recruiter!”

The Dean’s Award for Meritorious Service is presented to seniors involved in extracurricular or service activities with the College for a sustained period. Preference is given to nominees who have demonstrated noteworthy leadership. This year, 20 students received this accolade.

Monique Phillips CEE, a leader in the Service Learning Community, received a service award for her involvement in VESTED and BEST, outreach programs that introduce high school students to engineering. “I’ve enjoyed helping students learn that they have the potential to succeed in engineering.”

After the presentation of the student awards, Joseph Pawelczyk ME ’09, President of the Engineering Student Council, announced the winner of this year’s Farrell Award, which was established in memory of Rev. William F. Farrell, OSA, to recognize a full-time faculty member who shows exemplary personal concern for the students. This year’s recipient was Dr. John Komlos, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “The best thing about teaching at Villanova is the students, and I’m grateful to them for having nominated me.”

Margaret Phillips and her daughter Monique, who received a Meritorious Service Award
Margaret Phillips and her daughter Monique, who received a Meritorious Service Award
Jacob Sabulsky (CPE)
Jacob Sabulsky (CPE), a recipient of the Academic Excellence Award, with his father, Joseph