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Blake Campbell CE ’13 Named ACI Scholar for 2012-2013

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation has selected Blake Campbell CE ’13 as the 2012-2013 recipient of the ACI Richard D. Stehly Memorial Scholarship for undergraduate engineering. He will receive a $3,000 award to help fund his studies.

“We’re so proud of Blake. This is a very prestigious award, and competition for ACI scholarships is traditionally very high,” says Dr. Aleksandra Radlińska, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and faculty advisor to the Villanova chapter of the ACI.

According to the ACI, “candidates completing studies for their bachelor’s degree from an accredited program may apply for this award. Based on essays, submitted data, and recommendations, the Scholarship Council of the ACl Foundation…selects a scholarship recipient who appears to have the strongest combination of interest and potential for professional success in the concrete industry."

“I am honored to receive such a competitive scholarship and proud to represent TV. I would like to thank Dr. Radlińska and Mr. David Littlewood, professional engineer from Delaware Valley Concrete, for providing guidance, professional expertise, and experience throughout the application process,” says Campbell.

In the future, Campbell plans on continued membership with the ACI Foundation. “Following graduation, I hope to pursue a graduate degree in the field of civil engineering with the expectation of starting a career in the concrete industry,” says Campbell.

Blake Campbell CE ’13
Blake Campbell CE ’13