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Dr. Robert Traver Named President of AAWRE

On October 1, Robert Traver, PhD, PE, WRE, MSCE ’82, was named president of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE). Dr. Traver is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering as well as Director of the Villanova Center for the Advancement of Sustainability in Engineering and the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership. A founding inaugural AAWRE Diplomate in 2005, Dr. Traver has served on the organization’s board since 2009. He will serve as president for one year, and continue on the board through September 2014.

A nationally recognized expert in sustainable stormwater management, Dr. Traver sees the role of AAWRE president as an opportunity to drive the continued growth of this young organization and ensure the value of membership. Established in 2004 by water resources engineers from the American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), the AAWRE exists to “improve the practice, elevate the standards, and advance the profession of water resources engineering.” The organization offers a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) advanced certification which provides recognition of leadership in the field of water resources engineering. “I would like to see AAWRE accreditation be a recognized advantage for engineers in this field.” says Dr. Travers.

Fellow COE faculty with D. WRE certification are Civil & Environmental Engineering department chair and professor Ronald Chadderton, PhD, and adjunct assistant professor Frank Falcone, MS ’73. For more information about the AAWRE, visit their website at .


Robert Traver, PhD, PE, WRE
Robert Traver, PhD, PE, WRE