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Despite Disappointing Finish, Nova Racing Sees Success at Formula SAE Competition

2016 Nova Racing Team

Since 2008, NovaRacing has participated in the Formula SAE competition at Michigan International Speedway hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers. In 2015, VU07 made Villanova history by placing 18th out of 120 teams—its best showing to date.

At this year’s race in May, NovaRacing’s new car, VU08, encountered powertrain issues that kept it from completing the competition’s endurance test. While disappointed with the car’s overall placement—62nd out of 138 competitors—team captain Sofia Gizzi says, “Our finish is not indicative of the overall success.” In acceleration, the team came in third—its highest placement to date. NovaRacing also performed exceptionally well during the static events, placing fifth in the cost presentation, tying for twelfth in design, and ranking fifteenth in the business presentation. “The team is excited to build upon these successes in the coming year,” notes Gizzi.

For NovaRacing student profiles, video and photos, visit the team Facebook page at . Gizzi also recommends checking out a new “that really shows the faces behind Nova Racing and what makes our team different.”