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Reflections on Dr. Robert D. Lynch

Dr. Robert D. Lynch

Reflections on Dr. Robert D. Lynch

Alumni, faculty and friends share their memories and tributes to Dr. Robert D. Lynch.

“I remember having his class and how excited he was about deriving an equation, like it was the first time. He was very approachable and learned everyone's name, which made graduation personable. Thank you for your contributions to the school and more importantly, the students.”—Trina A. Agnello ’91 CE, PE

“I learned the importance of technical writing from Dean Lynch. I remember him saying that it doesn't matter how great of an engineer you are, if you can't properly communicate as a technical writer.” —Shamarukh Billah ’99 CE

“Took Statics from him in freshman year and got my first ‘A’ from him. A wonderful gentleman, but could be as hard as nails for the right reasons. A tremendous teacher. He left to go back to school for his PhD, however to a lot of us he was always ‘Mr. Lynch,’ with the greatest respect.” —Frank Bradley ’68 ME

“I was lucky enough to work closely with Dean Lynch on Nova’s first solar car project. Dean Lynch was first and foremost about the students. I remember many conversations with him where I walked away thinking, ‘he really cares about us and our project.’ Despite the high demand on his time, he always fit us in whenever we needed his clout or his counsel. Thank you, Dean Lynch, for caring so much and impacting thousands of lives.” —John Cioffi ’90 ME

“Dr. Lynch provided me with the guidance and support I needed when I transferred into the College of Engineering in my sophomore year. He encouraged me to follow my instincts that engineering was right for me and supported me when I carried a heavy credit load every year so I could graduate after just three years in the program. After 32 years of practicing engineering I can still hear him tell me to believe in myself.” —Lisa DiTaranti ’85 CE, PE

“Dean Lynch was key in establishing the College’s Institute for Environmental Engineering Research, which operated from 1996–2003. It housed environmental research and design projects for federal and state agencies and for large and small manufacturers in a wide variety of industries. In addition to employing the services of 15 faculty members from all engineering departments, it involved those from the College of Nursing as well.” —Frank Falcone ’70 CE, AP, PE, D.WRE, Director, Professional Development & Experiential Education

“I truly enjoyed my classes with Dean Lynch and every interaction I ever had with him. He was one of the most influential professors I ever studied under. I consider myself blessed to have been his student and a longtime friend.” —James Lebiedz ’80 CE

“My first interaction with Dean Lynch was as a freshman. I had a meeting with him and told him that I was an ME major, playing varsity soccer and also a ROTC candidate. He said ‘good luck with that.’ When I returned to see him with my first semester grades (honors), he said he was impressed. That made my day.” —John Leitner ’81 ME

“I had the pleasure of studying engineering while he presided as Dean, and will always remember him as a thoughtful, kind and extremely bright man.” — Robin Loporchio ’89 EE

“I was a classmate of Bob's and was proud to follow his great career and many accomplishments. He was a fine young man and classmate and his many friends will miss him.” —John Morrissey ’53 ChE

“He was a great man and a great role model.” —John Poserina ’84 CE

“I worked in Dean Lynch's office as a work study assignment. He was a true gentleman and scholar, and a super teacher, by the way. He will be greatly missed.” —John Reidy ’88 CE

“He was a wonderful, supportive dean who made the engineering college a personal experience at Villanova.” —Maryann Ricca ’81 CE

“Thanks for laying the groundwork for making our College what it is today!” —Bert Rosica ’78 ChE

“He was a teacher I enjoyed listening to and learning from. He was also instrumental in advising students to give back to the program and advancing engineering within the University.” — Nicholas Rotonda ’84 CE

“Doc Lynch was an extraordinary agent of change. He changed my life by helping me throughout my four years at Villanova, starting as my freshman advisor even though I was a mechanical engineering student. His success as dean radically changed the College of Engineering. Doc will always be fondly remembered.” —Doug Rode ’73 ME

“Dean Lynch always had time for me despite his responsibilities as the dean. He was firm, but fair, kind and compassionate. He treated people the way you want to be treated. He combined academics with practical engineering that showed us you needed to know both parts. He brought humanity to engineering.” —Mike Schiavone ’86 CE

“I taught Numerical Methods with Dean Lynch, and had many conversations with him on computer integration in the curriculum. He was always forward thinking and very gracious.  As a former Naval Officer, he kept time using an office clock that chimed with the number of ‘bells,’ which the Navy uses to track time on the ship.  You always knew when the meeting started or ended.”— Robert Traver, PhD, ’82 MSCE, Edward A. Daylor Chair in Civil Engineering; Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership; Director, Villanova Center for the Advancement of Sustainability in Engineering

“I worked for Dean Lynch for many years.  No matter how busy his schedule, he would immediately see any of his students who stopped by the office. When he became dean, he never wanted to relinquish teaching, and devised an ethics course in conjunction with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, something that was rarely done at that time between the colleges.” –Helen Tursi, Manager, Operations, College of Engineering

“Dr. Lynch was instrumental in guiding me through what was, for me, a tough curriculum. I will always be grateful to him for his encouragement and support.” —Adam Williams ’83 ME, PE