Joe Tribble


Actor; Founder, Tribblevision Pictures
Student, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in General Studies, Theatre and Communications Minors

Joe Tribble, backstage in front of a black curtain, sits on the arm of a chair with his arms and legs crossed

Joe Tribble is a working actor and producer who has been building a multidimensional career in the entertainment industry. In 2015, while living and working in New York City, he started looking for a bachelor’s degree program that would allow him to tailor his classes specifically to his professional needs and interests. He says, “In the entertainment industry, you often feel like your opportunities are in the hands of other people—casting directors and producers—and I wanted to create an opportunity for myself. Villanova’s BIS program opened up a pathway to new possibilities.”

From the start, Tribble found that his CPS classes were perfectly oriented to the issues he was facing in film and television. His Media Studies courses introduced him to critical analyses of gender studies. His Augustine and Culture Seminars encouraged him to think about the world in new ways and to wrestle with the “big picture” concepts that would inform his professional arc. Ěý

When the COVID-19 pandemic brought New York’s entertainment industry to a standstill, Tribble, a native of the Philadelphia area, decided to move back home. His new proximity to campus presented him with the welcome opportunity to add in-person Theatre classes to his Villanova course schedule. His professors introduced him to the vibrant Philly theatre scene and he soon added a Theatre minor to his academic résumé. Tribble says, “I’ve had a great experience with the Theatre Department and with every aspect of the College of Professional Studies. I feel like I'm becoming who I want to be, and being in school at Villanova is helping me do that.”


The Journey Continues

Villanova’s College of Professional Studies offers many paths for students to become what they are not yet