Victorious Spirit

Villanova hosted Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s Fall Festival for the 35th year

Villanova students volunteering at the Special Olympics Fall Festival cheer on an athlete

Perseverance, respect and teamwork were on full display when Villanova hosted for the 35th consecutive year. The three-day competition takes place the first weekend of every November and is the largest student-run Special Olympics event in the world. Attracting more than 400 coaches, 5,000 volunteers and 1,000 athletes, the games include bocce, long-distance running/walking, powerlifting, soccer, volleyball and flag football.

After each sporting event, there is a ceremony during which gold, silver and bronze medals are distributed. But true to the Special Olympics athlete oath—“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”—the celebration goes beyond awards as connections are formed and confidence is nurtured. “The oath resonated with me through the interactions of sportsmanship during and surrounding competition,” says Fall Fest Director Moira Horan ’24 CLAS. “Athletes supported their teammates and respected their opponents, approaching the weekend with a determination that continued regardless of competition results.”



Sustainable Engineering PhD scholar investigates ways to make electrical grids more resilient and secure