picture of EMBA alumni

The VSB Grad Alumni Association (VSB Grad AA) is a community of Villanovans who have graduated from our VSB graduate business programs. Established in 2014, it continues to engage our alumni and serve our graduate community.

Our mission:

To enhance the value of the VSB graduate programs by engaging alumni and current graduate students in networking, community involvement and lifelong learning.

Executive Committee:

The VSB Grad Alumni Association is a board of dedicated volunteers who spearhead networking and communications to strengthen our alumni community. The board is led by: 

  • President: Mike Gossner '18 MBA
  • Vice President: Alex Rigolizzo ’03 MBA

Interested in getting involved or serving as a volunteer? Contact Rita Di Carlo, Director, Graduate Career and Professional Development


The Real-World Impact of the MBA Social Enterprise Consulting Practicum: Stephen's Rise and Grind

A conversation with Margaret Gossner who started nonprofit Stephen’s Rise and Grind in honor of her late brother, Stephen. Stephen’s Rise and Grind provides financial assistance to individuals who suffer from mental illness, enabling them to access the best available mental health services. 

Stephen's Rise and Grind

Message from Kristi Crocker 
Assistant Director, Graduate Business Alumni Engagement 

I am thrilled to be joining this incredible community as a proud VSB alum (2000, B.S. Marketing) and former adjunct professor, returning to Villanova has been a true homecoming for me. My journey at Villanova was nothing short of transformative, and I am honored to be back on campus.

Kristi Crocker

VSB Alumni Message from Dean Mao, PhD

A message to alumni from the new Helen and William O'Toole Dean of the Villanova School of Business.

Wen Mao, PhD, The Helen and William O'Toole Dean of the Villanova School of Business

VSB Grad Alumni Association - New Name and Logo!

Graduate Business Alumni, including MBA and specialized master program alumni will be merged into a singular group called the VSB Grad Alumni Association.


AA Logo

Villanovans Afar: V's Up in Ohio

A conversation with Dan McCune '18 MBA, supply chain manager for Procter & Gamble and lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserves.

Dan McCune '18 MBA

April 2022 Introduction
Mike Gossner '18 MBA

The MBA Alumni Association is getting ready for what is shaping up to be a season of change and excitement. The Board is currently going through a transition to new executive leadership.

Mike Gossner

Ed Barrett '90 VSB, '94 MBA

Community is a word that is synonymous with a Villanova education. Community is indeed the best word to describe my experience serving as Vice President of the MBA Alumni Association.

Ed Barrett, ‘90, MBA ‘94

Brian McCann '21 MSF

The Villanova MBA Alumni Association is pleased to include our Masters of Science in Finance (MSF) graduates to our Alumni Association. In welcome, we reached out to Brian McCann, a 2021 graduate of the MSF program and a New York resident.

Brian McCann

June 2021 Introduction
Meghan Wyks ’15 MBA, President
Ed Barrett ’90 VSB, ’94 MBA, Vice President

If you are like us, recent days have filled our thoughts with optimism and a hopeful plan for a future where limitations will be fewer, and those most vulnerable in our communities are safe from harm.

Meghan Wyks ’15 MBA, President Ed Barrett ’90 VSB, ’94 MBA, Vice President

Villanova’s Industry Career Circles: A discussion with Anthony Ciccarone ’92 VSB, '03 MBA, and Liz Bernich ’94 VSB

Industry Career Circles (ICC), started through the Villanova Alumni Career Services office, were devised as a way to enable Villanova alumni to deepen their knowledge in their chosen careers, as well as to network and share each other’s ideas and perspectives.  

Anthony Ciccarone and Liz Bernich

MBA Alumni Around the Country: V's Up from San Francisco

In this series, we catch up with our alumni who live farther afield and see what pursuits they're engaged in. In this addition, we are catching up with Olivia Kao, who is currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She graduated VSB with an MBA in International Business and Strategic Management.

Olivia Kao

Spotlight on Katie D’Orazio and the Virtual Wellness Series

Katie is a 2009 graduate of Villanova’s Professional MBA program. She is also actively involved in the Villanova MBA Alumni Association and recently conducted a “Virtual Wellness Series” for all Villanova MBA Alumni. She currently works as a Registered Dietitian providing nutrition counseling in private practice.

Katie D'Orazio '09 MBA

How board experience is feeding her passion and changing lives
Katrina High ’16 MBA
Partner, Artemis Factor

Katrina High spent nearly 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry with over 10 years in leadership roles at Merck and GSK.

Katrina High ’16 MBA

Eating Right and Feeling Great Winter Virtual Series: Katie D'Orazio '09 MBA, Registered Dietician

As a Dietician and Mom, Katie D'Orazio took charge and brought wellness into our lives by leading a new virtual series for three months during 2020 to help us feel balanced, nourished, and empowered to take on the challenges of life.

Katie D'Orazio '09 MBA

An introduction from our new MBA Alumni Association President
Meghan Davis Wyks '15 MBA 

The fall certainly has a reputation for being both a busy time of year, as well as a time of transitions. I always find myself reflecting on the past year and looking forward to new opportunities ahead. 

Meghan Davis Wyks, MBA '15

Welcome our new Associate Dean of Graduate Business
Manuel (Manny) Nuñez '03 MBA

Welcome Manny Nuñez, MBA '03, who will be leading our graduate business office as Associate Dean of Graduate Programs. In this role, he will oversee the graduate programs of the Part-Time MBA, Online MBA, and specialty masters programs as well as enrollment and career strategy services for graduate business.

Manuel (Manny) Nuñez, MBA '03

Countdown to 2024: Reflections
MBA Class of 1984

Dan Ahern, interviewed for our first Reflections column, is pictured here in 1984 with Villanova's first MBA grads. Dan is in the upper left corner. Leading up to the 40th anniversary of Villanova's first MBA graduating class in 1984, this Reflections column will feature interviews with Villanova MBA alumni across the decades.

MBA Class of 1984

Mentoring Program Spotlight
Mike Jones '93 VSB , '04 MBA

The Villanova MBA Alumni Network has a very actively engaged Mentoring Program. We recently had the opportunity of speaking with Mike Jones, the Chairperson of the Villanova MBA Mentoring Program.

Mike Jones

MBA Alumni around the Country: V's up from Texas
Tyler Pearson '18 MBA

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Tyler Pearson, a 2018 graduate from Villanova's Online MBA program. He calls the Online MBA "a blessing for someone who was working in Texas!"

Tyler Pearson

Women in Business Network Inaugural Event Recap

The Women in Business Network (WIBN) was launched in 2018 in an effort to promote career development and networking opportunities for women. The WIBN hosted its inaugural event on April 23rd entitled "The Career Advice You Probably Didn't Get", based on a TED Talk of the same name.

Women in Business Network Inaugural Event

Vice President’s Message
Ed Barrett, ‘90, MBA ‘94

Develop your professional skills. Expand your network. Discover new career opportunities. Support a deserving charity. Share your professional experience with the next generation.

Ed Barrett, ‘90, MBA ‘94

EMBA Alumni Spotlight
Dennis Morgan, EMBA ’17

Dennis J. Morgan – a 2017 graduate of Villanova’s Executive MBA program – is both a Senior Vice President of Children’s Services at Bancroft – a nonprofit provider of specialized services for individuals with brain injuries, autism and intellectual disabilities – as well as a Captain in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard.

Dennis Morgan, EMBA ’17

MBA Alumni Spotlight
Ted Spinelli, MBA ’18

Ted followed in the footsteps of both his father and his grandparents when he decided to go into military service. In addition to his achievements at Villanova, Ted graduated last year from the very elite Army Ranger School, and is now teaching at the Claremont McKenna College Army ROTC program located at the University of California, Riverside.

Ted Spinelli, MBA ’18

The Launch of the Women in Business Network
Lauren Boyce, MBA '12

For Lauren Boyce MBA '12, career development, especially for women, has been a passion for as long as she can remember. "When I joined the Villanova MBA Board in 2017, one of the first initiatives I wanted to implement was to create a committee for women."

Lauren Boyce, MBA '12

President's Message
Michael Filachek MBA '12

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Villanova’s MBA Alumni Association (MBA AA), I am very pleased to offer you this inaugural edition of our MBA Newsletter. This newsletter will be issued quarterly with fresh content aimed at building a more connected community of alumni.

Michael Filachek MBA '12

MBA Alumni Spotlight
Brian Papson MBA '08

Sports are both Brian’s career and his passion, having spent most of his life involved in athletics. We chose Brian for our first “Alumni Spotlight” because he is a great representative of all that the Villanova MBA program represents: 

Brian Papson MBA '08

MBA Student Spotlight
Carissa Anthony MBA Candidate

Following undergraduate studies at Bloomsburg University, as well as an MS at St. Joe’s, Carissa pursued a successful career in finance – first at Vanguard, then at Comcast. She is now happily pursuing her passion in the understanding of Consumer Behavior, in both her research capacity and in her studies.

Carissa Anthony




The VSB Mentor Program brings VSB students and alumni volunteers together in one-to-one relationships to support student’s professional development goals. All student mentees and alumni mentors opt in and are paired based on the student’s primary field of interest, desired work location, and mutual areas of interest. to become a mentor and contact Rita DiCarlo, Director, Graduate Career and Professional Development, with any questions.