The Villanova School of Business (VSB) and O’Donnell Center for Professional Development Annual Corporate Sponsorship Program offers your organization the opportunity to expand its involvement in VSB’s career and professional development initiatives throughout the academic year and is designed to complement ĂŰĚŇTV Career Center’s Employer Partner program. The Program enables you to target brand-building efforts to undergraduate and graduate business students. Our sponsorship levels provide mutual benefits to your organization and VSB by connecting you to future talent and assisting VSB in preparing students professional success through programs such as Backpack to Briefcase (B2B), the Summer Business Institute, and various other career education events.

Additionally, the Annual Corporate Sponsorship Program will enhance your organization’s opportunity to: 

  • engage with a diverse group of high-achieving business students through a wide variety of exclusive events.
  • gain exposure to over 2,000 undergraduate and graduate business students AND more than 100 faculty and staff members who provide valuable career advice to our students.
  • promote awareness and availability of career paths within your organization.
  • provide an avenue for identifying future leaders of your organization.
  • directly connect you with the student leaders of relevant business groups.  

Please review the following opportunities and consider becoming an O’Donnell Center for Professional Development Corporate Sponsor for the 2024-2025 academic year!


VSB O’Donnell Center for Professional Development

2024-2025 Annual Corporate Sponsorship Packages 

Platinum - $3,500 (Limited Partnerships Available) 

  • All benefits of Gold 

  • Bartley Takeover (Bartley Hall is the home of Villanova School of Business) - This is a customizable option and can be conducted either in-person or virtual, depending on which option best aligns with your organization’s goals. Your Takeover can include but is not limited to: signage of your company brand throughout the building, hosting an information table in the Bartley Hall Atrium (major thoroughfare for student traffic), creative use of the Bartley Hall Chalkboard Wall, hosting an event with a related student business society(s), a roundtable luncheon, resume review sessions and/or recruiter/alumni coffee chats. Your Bartley Takeover will also include an “Instagram Takeover”, an opportunity for you to provide exclusive content for VSB’s Instagram account for one day during your designated week.

Your “Bartley Takeover” will take place over 2 days (Tuesday - Wednesday) either once in the fall semester or once in the spring semester. Only four Takeovers will be hosted each semester and Takeover dates are determined on a first come, first serve basis. We request selection of Takeover dates no later than June 30, 2024. Selection of Takeover dates after June 30th could result in additional employer programming being scheduled in Bartley Hall during your Takeover.

Fall Semester:

  • September 10-11
  • September 18-19
  • October 1-2
  • October 22-23

Spring Semester:

  • January 21-22
  • January 28-29
  • February 4-5
  • February 11-12


  • VSB Council of Presidents & Business Societies/ (Spring) – your company will be listed as a sponsor on t-shirts for the NOVAdance philanthropic event and the . This event raises funds to support childhood cancer research and is supported by VSB business societies.
  • VSB’s Black History Food Fest (Spring) - In celebration of Black History Month, VSB and the VSB Affinity Groups honor the rich heritage and contribution of black communities. This event features student affinity groups, food from black-owned restaurants and a chance to connect with VSB’s Corporate Sponsors. 



Gold - $1,500

  • All benefits of Silver
  • VSB Meet the Corporate Sponsors Fair
  • Invitation to first Council of Presidents (CoPs) meeting
  • VSB’s Diversity Societies Inclusivity Panel & Networking
  • Logo displayed during VSB’s Admissions and New Student Orientation events
  • Logo displayed Fall VSB Business Society Fair
  • One representative invited to be a guest speaker in a section of B2B VSB 2000: Sophomore Professional Development Seminar (Fall or Spring)
  • One representative invited to serve as a judge for the B2B VSB 3000:  Bartley BriefCASE Challenge, a case competition required of all juniors (Fall & Spring)
  • Your organization’s Handshake internship postings to be included in weekly “Featured Internships” promotions shared with students through the Clay Center/O’Donnell Center/VSB social media accounts and Bartley digital screens


VSB Meet the Corporate Sponsors Fair (August 26) - Our Platinum and Gold sponsors will be invited to participate in a Welcome Back Fair in Bartley Hall during the first day of class of the Fall 2023 semester. Corporate sponsors will have the opportunity to host an information table, interact with VSB students, and share branded materials in Bartley Hall.

Invitation to first Council of Presidents (CoPs) meeting (August 28) - VSB’s Council of Presidents is comprised of presidents from each of the VSB student-run business societies. Corporate sponsors will be invited to the first meeting of the Fall semester (September 6); providing you the opportunity to meet and interact with VSB student leaders.

VSB Student Business Society Fair (Fall) – Held at the start of the Fall the Fair is targeted at and typically attracts 200+ First Year students to expose them to VSB-specific student professional groups and interact with their leadership. Your organization’s logo will be displayed as a sponsor of this event.

B2B VSB 2000: Sophomore Professional Development Seminar (Fall/Spring) – VSB sophomores participate in a one-credit seminar focusing on interviewing skills, the internship/job search process, business ethics, networking, business etiquette, etc. Your representative will be invited to speak on a course-related topic.

B2B VSB 3000: Bartley Briefcase Challenge (Fall & Spring) – This course includes prep sessions on the topics of written and verbal communication skills, business research methods, case analysis, team dynamics and leadership, and culminates in an internal case competition judged by corporate sponsor representatives and other business professionals. The case competitions are held on Saturdays.


Silver - $500

  • Logo on the O’Donnell Center for Professional Development web page
  • Logo on the Clay Center at VSB / O’Donnell Center Facebook cover photo
  • Logo posted on the Clay Center at VSB / ODC Instagram account
  • Logo on digital monitors in Bartley Hall, home of the Villanova School of Business, including screens in the Atrium, Nydick Family Commons and Clay Center at VSB/O’Donnell Center for Professional Development
  • Directly connected to student leaders of relevant VSB Student Business Societies

Additional Sponsorship Opportunity

VSB Mentor Program – Meet Up Event Host - Opportunities exist to host a VSB Mentor Program Meet Up event at your office location. Meet Up events typically include students (sophomores through seniors) and alumni mentors. The Program Director and Advisory Board will collaborate with employers to coordinate program agenda and food arrangements. Typically held on a weeknight after work hours; hosting an event includes provision of venue and catering (may range from an informal reception to buffet dinner).

The Clay Center at VSB/ O’Donnell Center for Professional Development
Bartley 1054
The Clay Center Team/O’Donnell Center Team

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

VSB Deloitte Student Group Fund

The VSB Deloitte Student Group Fund is available for all VSB Business Societies and is to be used for Professional Development experiences!

Villanova Career Center

The O'Donnell Center partners with the Villanova Career Center, which offers comprehensive career development and job search resources to students and alumni of the university.


Handshake is Villanova’s go-to resource for jobs, internships, events and more! 

Through Handshake, you can apply for positions, explore companies and connections, and sign up for career fairs and workshops all in one place. Find out the full details on Handshake for employers and students