Sustainable Engineering decorative

Graduate students conduct multidisciplinary research through Villanova’s Sustainable Engineering program, applying a STEEP (social, technological, environmental, economic and political) life cycle analysis perspective to sustainable engineering problems.


Primary Research Areas

“” – Janique Cheesman ’14

“” – Andrew Jester ’16

“Conversion of algal biomass cultivated in digested wastewater into biofuels” - Nazareno Roggero Luque ‘16

 – Madelyn Spinner ’17

“Capture of Methane from Dairy” – Nicole Meyer ’18

“More Sustainable Reading Terminal” - Kaleigh Schott ‘18

“Vertical Gardening whole systems analysis for a viable system” - Adam Butler ‘19

“Integrated closed loop vertical gardening HTC waste conversion LCA” - Philip Armstrong ‘19

“The fundamental science and engineering of hydrothermal carbonization and analyzing commercialization potential through a full systems analysis.” – Jeremy Taylor ‘19

 – Perry Hartswick

“” – Stephen Suffian ‘13

“A Resilience Study of the Urban Agribusiness in Philadelphia: A Systems Improvement Through the STEEP Model” – Min Pack ’14

 – Natalie Walker ‘15

 – Austin Dickerson ‘16

 – Ava Calvano ’17

 – Mike Leighton ’17

 - Liesel Schwarz ’18

 – Matthew Ashcroft ’18

 – Daniel Cain ’14

“Holistic Wastewater treatment assessment of Cajamarca, Peru and a proposed design to achieve energy efficiency via biogas capture from anaerobic digestion” – Hector Rojas ’15

“Supply, Demand, and Performance for Gravity-Driven Water Supply Systems in Rural Nicaragua” – Iain Hunt ’15

“Functionality and Sustainability of Water Systems Under Public-Private Partnership Management in Madagascar” - Benjamin Bogardus ’16

“Sustainability Impacts of Pre-Paid Water Kiosks on Rural and Small-Town Water Systems in Tanzania” - Joel Nightingale ’18

“Community managed water supply systems in Nicaragua” – Julia Musso ’18

 – Anthony Klodd ‘14

“Using a STEEP model to optimize Solar Home Systems in Bangladesh” – Nathan Charles ‘15

 – Rebecca Backer ‘16

 – Marcos Ambrosi ’16

 – Kathleen Ayuk ’17

“Viridity Battery Storage and Management for Renewable Energy and Optimized Grid Performance” - Tyler Casteel ‘18

 – Jignesh Shah ’13

 –Margaret Amao ‘16

 – Jarrod Bridge ‘16

 – Eduardo Krunfli ’16