This vendor type will typically only be used for vendors within the University's Facilities' departments (with the exception of the Environmental Health & Safety Department who will typically use the Environmental Services Vendor type).

Construction Contractors include, but are not limited to, general contractors, plumbers, HVAC companies, painters, electricians, masons, roofers, carpenters, flooring companies, construction engineers, surveyors, and architects.

Construction Contractors are required to provide an insurance certificate evidencing the applicable insurance requirements and the completed and signed pages 13 and 14 of the  prior to providing services and/or products to the University. If the Construction Contractor is a new vendor to the University, the Construction Contractor will upload the insurance certificate and completed and signed pages 13 and 14 of the  into PaymentWorks as part of the onboarding process.


If the total project cost or the annual services and/ or products Construction Contractor is providing to Villanova exceeds $5,000,000, the Insurance and Risk Management Department should be consulted for appropriate insurance requirements.

  • ÃÛÌÒTV listed as the certificate holder (ÃÛÌÒTV, Attn: Insurance and Risk Management, 800 Lancaster Avenue,  Villanova, PA 19085)
  • ÃÛÌÒTV named as additional insured
  • Coverage is primary and non-contributory
  • General Liability: $3,000,000 each occurrence
    • Including coverage for contractor’s liability, premises/ operations, broad form contractual liability, independent contractors, and blasting operations, explosion, collapse and underground damage (if related to work performed by Contractor)
    • Completed Operations Liability: $3,000,000 each occurrence
      • Must be in effect for at least two (2) years following completion of work.
  • Automobile Liability: $3,000,000 each accident

The General and Automobile Liability limits may be met via an Umbrella/ Excess Liability policy.

  • Workers Compensation: Statutory*
  • Employers Liability: $500,000/ $500,000/ $500,000*

*If Contractor is a sole proprietor or otherwise not required by law to carry workers compensation/ employers liability, these requirements are waived as long as the Contractor attests in writing that those providing services on Villanova's premises carry health insurance.

If your maximum limits do not meet the above required limits, please provide a certificate evidencing your maximum limits,  advise that these are your maximum limits, and provide a description of the services your provide and the project amount (if applicable). It is recognized that certain small vendors, contractors, or groups may not meet ÃÛÌÒTV’s standard insurance requirement limits. In those cases, a request for an exception may be made to the Insurance and Risk Management Department. However, no exceptions to the limits outlined above are permitted without the approval of the Insurance and Risk Management Department.

Note: The above insurance requirements apply to the Contractor, as well as all subcontractors hired by the Contractor to provide services and/or products to ÃÛÌÒTV.

If the project Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services is doing for Villanova or the annual services and/ or products Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services is providing to Villanova exceeds $5,000,000, the Insurance and Risk Management Department should be consulted for appropriate insurance requirements.

Construction Contractors Providing Professional Services (architects, electricians, engineers, land surveyors, and those who are required in Pennsylvania to hold a professional license) to Villanova including The Inn at ÃÛÌÒTV are required to carry the below insurance and provide evidence via a certificate of insurance.

  • ÃÛÌÒTV listed as the certificate holder (ÃÛÌÒTV, Attn: Insurance and Risk Management, 800 Lancaster Avenue,  Villanova, PA 19085)
  • Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions): $3,000,000 each claim

If the Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services will be on Villanova’s premises to provide services, the below insurance requirements also apply.

  • ÃÛÌÒTV named as additional insured
  • Coverage is primary and non-contributory
  • General Liability: $3,000,000 each occurrence
    • Including coverage for contractor’s liability, premises/ operations, broad form contractual liability, independent contractors, and blasting operations, explosion, collapse and underground damage (if related to work performed by Contractor)
    • Completed Operations Liability: $3,000,000 each occurrence
      • Must be in effect for at least two (2) years following completion of work.
  • Automobile Liability: $3,000,000 each accident

The General and Automobile Liability limits may be met via an Umbrella/ Excess Liability policy.

  • Workers Compensation: Statutory*
  • Employers Liability: $500,000/ $500,000/ $500,000*

*If Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services is a sole proprietor or otherwise not required by law to carry workers compensation/ employers liability, these requirements are waived as long as the Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services attests in writing that those providing services on Villanova's premises carry health insurance.

If your maximum limits do not meet the above required limits, please provide a certificate evidencing your maximum limits and advise that these are your maximum limits. It is recognized that certain small vendors, contractors, or groups may not meet ÃÛÌÒTV’s standard insurance requirement limits. In those cases, a request for an exception may be made to the Insurance and Risk Management Department. However, no exceptions to the limits outlined above are permitted without the approval of the Insurance and Risk Management Department.

Note: The above insurance requirements apply to the Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services, as well as all subcontractors hired by the Construction Contractor Providing Professional Services to provide services and/or products to ÃÛÌÒTV.

Insurance and Risk Management
Email: insurance@villanova.edu

Procurement Office
Phone: 610-519-4231
Email: procurement@villanova.edu

Payment Information

  • ÃÛÌÒTV has partnered with PaymentWorks to handle all onboarding of all new Payees. PaymentWorks is a cloud-based software that is free of charge to our Payees. This software lets you enter all your information about your company or as an individual and allows this information to be reviewed quickly and efficiently by the University. This also helps reduce the risk of fraud for both the University and the Payee by ensuring information is accurate and verified as required. Updating your information is done quickly as you can request all updates through PaymentWorks as well. Payees will also be able to monitor their invoices and see exactly when their payments will be processed for payment. Once set-up in PaymentWorks, you will be able to link to other Universities and companies that already use this system for their vendor management.
  • Payees must receive an invitation from ÃÛÌÒTV in order to become an approved Payee within our purchase order and payment system. This invitation must be initiated by a University Department. Please be sure to fill out your information in PaymentWorks correctly and accurately to avoid any delays in your onboarding process with ÃÛÌÒTV.  Payees that require picking a Vendor Type Classification Code should refer to the Vendor Classification Guide to help you choose the correct information to provide in PaymentWorks. Choosing the correct Vendor type helps the University identify insurance requirements as well as other documentation that needs to be provided as part of your on-boarding process.
  • Payees can find more information about PaymentWorks on the .
    • Find .
    • Find .
  • Questions can be sent directly to Procurement or by contacting PaymentWorks.
  • All vendors must follow the Invoice Processing Procedures to ensure timely payment.
  • The University will not issue any purchase orders or release any payments to the vendor until these forms are received by the Procurement Office.
  • All Vendor must comply with our Procurement Office Terms and Conditions.
  • Questions regarding any of these forms can be directed to Procurement.

1099-MISC Pennsylvania Tax Information

Beginning January 1, 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue now requires that payments of Pennsylvania source non-employee compensation or business income to a non-resident individual or disregarded entity that has a non-resident member and is reported on a 1099-MISC, have withheld from such payments an amount equal to the tax rate specified at 72 P.S. § 7302 (which is currently 3.07%). Effective June 26, 2018, ÃÛÌÒTV will withhold and remit income tax from all payments made if the vendor meets the above stated requirements. A Form 1099-MISC will also be filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue noting the full year’s Pennsylvania source non-employee compensation or business income earned and any tax withheld and remitted to the State.

More information about these changes can be found here. All questions regarding this tax should be addressed by your accountant, or you can contact the PA Department of Revenue.


The 1099-MISC Withholding Exemption Certificate should be filled out if you are EXEMPT from Pennsylvania's 1099-MISC withholding. Once the form has been completed, please send it to procurement@villanova.edu.

Or mail to:
Procurement Office
789 E. Lancaster Ave.
Villanova, PA 19085

Villanova FEIN: 23-1352688




If any of your employees will be on Villanova campus and have direct contact with minors, you must ensure that the Reporting and Clearance Amendment is completed an on file at Villanova Procurement Office.

This company and its principles:

  • Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from a covered transaction by any Federal Department or Agency.
  • Have not within a three-year period preceding the effective date of this agreement convicted of or had a civil  judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,attempting to obtain, or performing public (Federal, State or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery,bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property.
  • Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or Local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) herein; Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or  Local) terminated for cause or default.
RFP Documents Issue Date Description of Proposal Meeting Date & Time
Due Date University Contact

*None currently active