Study Abroad

The Latin American Studies program strongly encourages students to participate in two study abroad programs: The six-week Villanova Summer: Spanish Language and Indigenous Sustainability in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico and the six weeks to a semester program in San José Costa Rica at the International Center for Development Studies (ICDS) through the Office of Education Abroad.

This study abroad program in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico is designed for students interested in indigenous sustainable ways of living. Through an ethnoecological perspective, which brings to light the links between beliefs, knowledge, and the management of lands of Yucatec Maya, students will learn about a holistic approach to indigenous epistemologies oriented towards traditional medical practices, beekeeping, and community-based tourism.

: The overseas program in Costa Rica strongly encourages students to use the short and long academic programs offered through our partner institution, International Center for Development Studies (ICDS), in San José, Costa Rica. ICDS’s programs exclusively cater to student needs in the areas of Latin American Studies, sustainability studies, environment, justice, and human rights. Students may earn anywhere from 6 to 15 credits by spending six weeks to a semester at ICDS.


Internships and Community Connections

The Latin American Studies program offers our students great internship opportunities at local organizations in Philadelphia and the Center for Culture, Art, Training and Education in Norristown, where students connect with local Latin American or Latino communities, promoting social, educational, linguistic, and cultural projects.


Community Interpreter Internship with the Villanova Law School Clinics

The Community Interpreter Internship is a partnership between the Department of Spanish and the five clinics of the ÃÛÌÒTV Charles Widger School of Law—particularly with the Clinic for Asylum, Refugee and Emigrant Services (CARES) and the Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic (FLACS). Undergraduate students with advanced proficiency in Spanish and an interest in helping the Hispanic community act as translators and interpreters between clients and their student lawyers.

Learn more about the Community Interpreter Internship program.


Alfonso Martinez-Fonts Endowed Scholarship

The Alfonso Martinez-Fonts Endowed Scholarship supports Villanova Students pursuing a major, minor or overseas study in Latin American Studies.

Alfonso Martinez-Fonts '71 CLAS, generously established the fund to promote student study and research in Latin American studies. Generally awarded on the basis of merit and need, the monies may be used to defray a part of the educational expenses at Villanova or at a university in Latin America.


College and University Resources

In addition to resources and opportunities through the Latin American Studies program, Villanova provides support to undergraduate students in all aspects of their collegiate experience and beyond through the centralized services of the Office for Undergraduate StudentsOffice of Education Abroad and Career Center.

Program Director
Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, PhD 
Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures