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Dr. Calvin Li Invited to Speak at Four Chinese Universities

From May 31 through June 15, Dr. Calvin Li, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, will visit four world-renowned Chinese universities to introduce students to the benefits of pursuing engineering graduate studies at Villanova and to provide an overview of the research being conducted within the College of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.

“This visit will help pave the way for increased graduate student recruitment from China and hopefully open the door to new research collaborations,” says Dr. Li, who will share updates on his research in the area of nanogengineering.

His tour starts at his alma mater, Tsinghua University, ranked first in mainland China, where he received his Master of Science in Engineering Thermophysics. Its Department of Thermal Engineering and Department of Engineering Mechanics have invited Dr. Li to present an update on his research entitled “Nanoengineering and Two Phase Change for Heat and Mass Transfer.”

On June 4, Dr. Li will join the Department of Energy and Resources Engineering at Peking University, which often appears at the top of Chinese university rankings. In light of an increasing interest within Peking University for interdisciplinary collaboration for health care, a key university strategic effort, Dr. Li will present his work entitled “Ferromagnetic Nanoparticle Enabled Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems.”

Next he will visit the College of Power and Mechanical Engineering at Wuhan University, a top-10 Chinese university. He will present an overview of his work entitled “Nanoparticle Additive-Enabled Biofuel Energy Conversion.” As the world focuses more and more on renewable energy and environment protect, there is a special interest in China to improve sustainability in energy. Dr. Li will also meet with the professors who lead the key laboratory on renewable energy within the college.

His speaking tour concludes at Southeast University, where he will present “Nanoparticle-Enabled Thermophsycial Property Enhancements” in the Dean’s Seminar Series at the College of Energy and Environment. Southeast University is one of the top 10 universities in scientific research and development in China.

Dr. Calvin Li, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Calvin Li, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Photo taken by Barbara Johnston