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Richard K. Faris ’69 CE, ’70 MSCE Structural Engineering Teaching and Research Laboratory


Director: Joseph Yost, PhD, PE, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering 

Focus: Testing on a variety of full-scale and component size infrastructure elements.

Students Learn:

  • Structural behavior of rod web joists
  • Concrete durability test
  • Gypsum and wood viscoelastic polymer connections
  • Continuous concrete beams reinforced with GFRP
  • Ductile joist study
  • Flexural performance of composite concrete flooring systems

Facility Highlights:

The SETRL contains:

  • Reaction floor and wall
  • Materials characterization laboratory
  • Moisture curing room
  • Environmentally controlled testing room
  • 25 Ton Overload Crane
  • 400 Kip Self Reacting Test Frame
  • Data Acquisition Systems
  • Machine Shop
  • Environmental Chamber
  • MTS Hydraulic Systems
  • MTS Universal Testing Machines
  • 600 Kip Forney Compression Testing Machine
  • Charpy Impact Tester


Contact Information

Jeff Cook, Manager SETRL