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In our efforts to give Augustine’s thought a vibrant and integral place within Villanova’s academic and community life, we offer the following lectures:

The Saint Augustine Lecture Presented annually at TV by the Institute for the Study of Augustine and Augustinian Traditions.

The Saint Augustine Lecture is currently published in  and is available on line. Links are provided  for your convenience. Prior to 1987, the lecture was published by TV Press.


Recent Lectures

October 2019
Dr. Margaret Miles, Harvard Divinity School
St. Augustine's Tears:  Recollecting and Reconsidering a Life

March 2019
Dr. David Hunter, University of Kentucky
Between Discipline and Doctrine:  Augustine's Response to Clerical Misconduct

Catherine Conybeare, Bryn Mawr College

Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A. – TV

Prof. Hubertus Drobner – University of Paderborn
Twists and Turns: How Augustine’s preaching shed new light on old problems

Dr. Carol Harrison, The Thomas F. Martin Saint Augustine Fellow
Getting Carried Away: Why did Augustine sing?

Robert Dodaro, O.S.A.Istituto Patristico Augustinianum
Language Matters:  Augustine's Use of Literary Decorum Theory in Theological Argument

Reconsiderations IV

James Wetzel, TV
A Tangle of Two Cities

University of Notre Dame -
The Mystery of Creation in the Teaching of St. Augustine:  Beyond Myth, Beyond Philosophy, Beyond Science
October 20,  7:00 PM Driscoll Auditorium

, Boston University
November 10, 7:00 PM - Driscoll Auditorium -

Reconsiderations III

Gareth Matthews, University of Massachusetts
Augustine on Reading Scripture as Doing Philosophy
September 17 - 7:30 PM - Bartley Room 1011

Sabine MacCormack, University of Notre Dame
Augustine reads Genesis: "Give what I love, for I do love it, and this also you gave me." (Conf. XI,2,3; 22,28)
October 9 — 7:30 pm Villanova Room, Connelly Center

Reconsiderations II

Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago, Divinity School
How Augustine Shaped Medieval Mysticism
September 14 - 7:30 PM - Villanova Room, Connelly Center

Brian E. Daley, S.J., Catherien F. Huisking Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
World, Soul and Flesh:  Origen and Augustine on the Person of Christ
September 30 - 7:30 PM - Villanova Room, Connelly Center

Reconsiderations I


1980: Augustine’s Concept of Happiness, Werner Beierwaltes, Albert Ludwigs Universitat. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1979: Saint Augustine on Memory, John A. Mourant, The Pennsylvania State University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1978: Joy in Augustine’s Ethics, Vernon J. Bourke, Saint Louis University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1977: The Creation of Man in Saint Augustine's De Genesi as Litteram, John J. O’Mera, University College, Dublin. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1976: The Confessions of Saint Augustine: A Reappraisal, Alberto Pincherle, University of Rome. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1975: Saint Augustine’s Monasticism in the Light of Acts, Luc Verheijen, Ecole Partique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1974: Church, State and Toleration: An Intriguing Change of Mind in Augustine, Emilien Lamirande, University of Ottawa. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1973: Augustine’s Strategy as an Apologist, Eugene TeSelle, Vanderbilt University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1972: Saint Augustin et la dislectique, Jean Pepin, Ecole Partique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1971: Political Idealism and Christianity in the Thought of Augustine, Ernest L. Fortin, Boston College. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1970: Augustine and Modern Research on Pelagianism, Gerald Bonner, Durham University, England. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1969: Augustinian Personalism, Mary T. Clarke, Manhattanville College. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1968: Augustine on Immortality, John A. Mourant, The Pennsylvania State University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1967: Saint Augustine on Creation, Paul Henry, S.J., Institut Catolique, Paris. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1966: Saint Augustine and Christian Platonism, A. Hiliary Amstrong, University of Liverpool. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1965: The Resurrection and Saint Augustine’s Theology of Human Values, Herri I. Marrou, University of Paris. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1964: Augustine and the Greek Philosophers, John F. Callahan, Georgetown University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1963: Augustine’s View of Reality, Vernon J. Bourke, Saint Louis University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1962: At the Origins of the Thomistic Notion of Man, Anton Pegis, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, Canada. New York: MacMillian Company.

1961: Charter of Christendom: The Significance of the City of God, John O'Mera, University College, Dublin, Ireland. New York: MacMillian Company.

1960: Platonism and Augustinianism, Raymond Kilbansky, McGill University. Unpublished.

1959: Saint Augustine on Personality, Paul Henry, S. J., Institut Catholique. New York: MacMillian Company.

2002: The Manichaean Legacy of Saint Augustine, J. Kevin Coyle, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada

2001: Love and the Trinity, A. Louth, University of Durham, England

2000: The Eucharist as the Foundation of Christian Unity in North African Theology, J. Patout Burns, Augustinian Studies, Volume 32(1), p.1-24.

1999: Exegetical Considerations of Augustine on the Holy Spirit, Robert L. Wilken, University of Virginia. Augustinian Studies, Volume 31(1), p.1-18.

1998: The Confessions of Saint Augustine: What Is the Genre of this Work? Frances Young, University of Birmingham, England. Augustinian Studies, Volume 30(1), p.1-16.

1997: Democracy and Religious Values: Augustine on Locke, Lying and Individualism, John M. Rist, University of Toronto. Augustinian Studies, Volume 29(1), p.7-24.

1996: History and Faith in Augustine’s De Trinitate, Basil Studer, Pontifico Anteo Anselmo, Rome. Augustinian Studies, Volume 28(1), p.7-50.

1995: Reading the Bible and Learning to Read: The Influence of Education on Saint Augustine’s Exegesis, Joseph T. Lienhard, S. J., Fordham University. Augustinian Studies, Volume 27(1), p.7-25.

1994: Cave, Cinema, and the Church: Augustine and Walker Percy, George Lawless, O.S.A., Patristic Institute, Rome. Augustinian Studies, Volume 26(1), p.7-36.

1993: Augustine on Knowing What to Believe, Gillian R. Evans, University of Cambridge. Augustinian Studies, Volume 24, p.7-25.

1992: Saint Augustine as Philosopher: The Birth of Christian Metaphysics, Rolland J. Teske, S.J. Augustinian Studies, Volume 23, p.7-32.

1991: The Authority of Augustine, James J. O’Donnell, Augustinian Studies, Volume 22, p.7-35.

1990: The Creator and the Integrity of Creation in the Fathers of the Church, Especially in Saint Augustine, Tarsicisu van Bavel, O.S.A., Leuven, Belgium. Augustinian Studies, Volume 21, p.1-33.

1989: Augustine and Orosius: On the End of the Ancient World, William H. C. Frend, Peterborough, England. Augustinian Studies, Volume 20(1), p.1-18.

1988: Augustine On Being Christian, Russell J. DeSimone, O.S.A. Augustinian Studies, Volume 19, p.190-200.

1987: An Augustinian Dilemma: Augustine’s Doctrine of Grace v. Augustine’s Doctrine of the Church, J. Pelikan, Augustinian Studies, Volume 18, p.1-29.

1986: St. Augustine and the Western Tradition of Self-Knowing, Edward Booth, O.P. Villanova. PA: TV Press.

1985: Saint Augustine and the Saints, Robert B. Eno, The Catholic University of America. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1984: Conversion and Disenchantment in Augustine’s Spiritual Career, Robert A. Markus, University of Nottingham. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1983: Catechesis in Saint Augustine, Eugene Kevane, Notre Dame Pontifical Institute. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1982: The Conversions of Saint Augustine, Leo C. Ferrari, St. Thomas University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

1981: Saint Augustine’s Platonism, Robert J. O’Connell, Fordham University. Villanova, PA: TV Press.

April 12, 2018 - 4:30 pm Driscoll Hall Room 134
Mariusz Tabaczek, O.P., Thomistic Institute in Warsaw, and The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Cracow, Poland
Biological Complexity: A New Scientific Revolution and its impact on Philosophy and Theology 


February 23, 2017 - Connelly Cinema 4:30 pm
Professor Ilia Delio

The Connelly Chair in Christian Theology - TV
Catholicity, Cosmology and Consciousness:  Why Wholeness Matters


September 21, 2016 - 4:30 PM
Nancy Murphy

Connelly Cinema
“Does Neuroscience Teach That We Have No Souls?”


February 2, 2016
Professor Noreen Herzfeld, Saint John's University
4:30 PM Connelly Cinema
Outsourcing Memory: Is the computer interchangeable with our memory? What does our reliance on technology affect how we relate to one another and how we understand ourselves?


November 19th, 2015
James Giordano, Georgetown University
Connelly Cinema, 4:30 pm  
The Human Being in Transition: The Impact of Neurotechnology and Importance of Neuroethics


April 15, 2015
Philip Clayton, Claremont School of Theology

Driscoll Hall Auditorium
3:30 pm
"The Sciences of Emergent Complexity:  Evolutionary Emergence of Body, Mind, and Spirituality"

Science is more than physics and we are more than a “pack of neurons.” This Vivian J. Lamb Lecture explores the new sciences of emergent complexity. A quick trip from the beginnings of the cosmos to birth of consciousness and beyond shows that no single law rules every innovation; each new level calls for a new set of tools and concepts to explain it. The picture of an evolving universe suggests very different answers to some of humanity’s most enduring questions. Could it be that the emergence of novelty is a deeper insight than reduction? How should we re-conceive thought, mind, culture, and human civilization in relation to religion and spirituality?  ACS APPROVED

Stephen Hawking and St. Augustine talk about the beginning of the world(s)
Fr. Allan Fitzgerald, OSA, TV
September 25, 2014
Bartley 1011
4:30 PM  


Lucky Numb3rs:  Struggling with Observation and Mathematics in Medieval Islamic Science

Dr. John McGinnis
University of Missouri- St. Louis
November 14, 2013
4:30pm - Connelly Cinema


A Doctor, a saint, and a pilgrimage to the heart of medicine
Dr. Victoria Sweet
April 18, 2013
4:30 PM - Driscoll Hall Auditorium

Co-sponsored by The Augustinian Institute and the School of Nursing

Her fascinating interview on WHYY’s “Voices in the Family” (Monday, April 8, 2013) by Dr. Dan Gotlieb will be a good introduction: 


Archbishop Lazar Puhalo
Models of Reality as Sources of Conflict

February, 25, 2013
4:30 pm - Driscoll Hall Auditorium

This event is co-sponsored by The Office of Mission and Ministry, and the Department of Theology and Religious Studies


"Reaching the Omega Point - the Trajectory of an Open Universe?"
September 16, 2010
4:30 pm - Connelly Center Cinema
Keith Ward, Fellow of the British Academy, member of the Council of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus at the University of Oxford, an ordained priest of the Church of England, and author of The Big Questions in Science and Religion and Divine Action: 


"Looking for God In all the Wrong Places"
November 17, 2004
Kenneth Miller


"Philosophical History and the Problem of Consciousness"
February 18, 2005
Paul Livingston


"Modern Physics and Ancient Faith"
March 16, 2005
Steven Barr


"Why God Won't Go Away"
November 2, 2005
Andrew Newberg


"Comparing the Cognitive Foundations of Science and Religion"
February 15, 2006
Robert N. McCauley


"Attending to Cognitive Science"
April 21, 2006
Charles Folk


"Darwin's Compass: How evolution discovers the song of creation"
November 8, 2006
Simon Conway Morris


"Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle's "Physics": The Challenge of Commentary"
March 6, 2007
Helen Lang


"St. Augustine of Hippo and the Cosmologists"
April 16, 2007
Christopher Stoughton


Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, Chestnut Hill College
Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, Chestnut Hill College

Monday January 28th, 2008 at 4:00 pm in the Connelly Cinema, followed by a faculty reception in the Presidents' Lounge


"An Ecological Perspective on the Science/Religion Encounter"
Monday April 28th, 2008  Professor George W. FisherJohns Hopkins University

"The Use and Abuse of Genetics, 1900-1950:  What Can We Learn From The Past?
Thursday November 20, 2008 Professor Garland Allen, Washington University in St. Louis


The Universe Present, Past, and Future:  What we Know, What We Will Know Soon, and How It May Change Our View of Everything
Wednesday April 15, 2009  Professor Paul J. Steinhardt, Princeton University


Medicine:  At the Crossroads of Science and Religion  - A Symposium
April 15, 2010 - 4:15 PM - Driscoll Auditorium
Dr. Helen Lang, Department of Philosophy, TV
Dr. Michael Lamb, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Thomas McElhinney, Department of Religion, Temple University
Professor. Marita Frain, School of Nursing, TV 

Can Theology Make Sense of Evolution?
March 28, 2011 4:30 - Driscoll Hall Auditorium
 Ph.D. Senior Fellow Science & Religion- Woodstock Theological Center Georgetown University


Creation Stories
Vatican Observatory
November 9th, 2011
Driscoll Auditorium