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Recording Lectures and Laptop Accommodations

Why are students allowed to record lectures?

If a student's accommodation letter states, "Note taking assistance may be needed. Student may be recording while taking notes. Any recording is solely for the student’s personal use and should not be shared publicly or privately with any unauthorized individuals. Students with permission to record lectures are responsible for ensuring that the recording is not shared, posted online, nor used improperly by others.” This accommodation reduces barriers that would prevent students from effectively engaging with the course material. 

What if I don't allow students to record lectures due to concerns about confidentiality? 

As described in our Academic Integrity Statement, “Some students are approved for note-taking support, including permission to record lectures. Any recordings are solely for the student’s personal use and should not be shared publicly or privately with any unauthorized individuals. Students with permission to record lectures are responsible for ensuring that the recording is not shared, posted online, nor used improperly by others.”

We emphasize this point with students when they are approved for note-taking support, as we appreciate professors’ concerns about the confidentiality of specific course material. Students who require and are approved for this specific accommodation should be allowed to use it in order for Villanova to be in compliance with the ADA in providing students with disabilities with equal access to the course material.

We advise that if a professor is concerned about confidentiality for their course, they include a statement on their syllabus that states “The material and conversations in this course include confidential and personal information. It is expected that this information remains confidential and is not discussed publicly outside of the classroom. Students may not record the lecture unless they are registered with LSS or ODS and have this listed as an approved accommodation. Students with permission to record may not share this recording publicly or privately with any unauthorized individuals.” This statement could become part of the statement that addresses the need for students to register for accommodations with LSS or ODS.

Why are students allowed to use laptops during class?

If a student's accommodation letter states, "Access to laptop for word processing for note-taking, in-class writing, and essay tests." This accommodation reduces barriers that would prevent students from effectively engaging with the course material. 

What if I don't allow students to use laptops in my class?

Some students may be approved for an accommodation to have access to a laptop for word processing for note-taking, in-class writing, and essay tests. Even if a professor has a policy that students are not allowed to have laptops in class, students with this accommodation must be allowed to access their laptop to participate in the class.

Professors should include a statement in their syllabus to address this, such as, “Computers or laptops may not be used during class unless the student is registered with LSS or ODS and has this listed as an approved accommodation.” This statement could become part of the statement that addresses the need for students to register for accommodations with LSS or ODS.

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Office of Learning Support Services


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800 Lancaster Avenue                      Villanova, PA 19085






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9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

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Student Testimonials

“I can honestly say that the support I received from LSS was key to my success as a student at Villanova and today as an ongoing student of life.”

~ UG Alum, Class of 2021, Mathematics

"LSS has constructively impacted my experience as a learning-disabled student at Villanova. [They] empowered me with the courage to advocate for myself and relinquish some of my pathological anxiety." 

~ UG Alum, Class of 2022 & MA Alum, Class of 2023, Communications

“Working closely with Villanova LSS starting the first week of my freshman year really changed the trajectory of my academic career.”

~ UG Alum, Class of 2022, Psychology

"During my time at Villanova, LSS was the most helpful academic resource available. The LSS team is extremely friendly and are always there to make sure you achieve your academic goals!" 

~ UG Alum, Class of 2023, Mechanical Engineering